Olga Rozzell, PhD
WEEK OF FEBRUARY 13th – 19th
Have you seen Venus in the West after the sunset? She shines bright in the evening sky being at her closest to the Earth in preparation for her retrograde motion…
We are going through intense and beautiful time this week that follows the Lunar eclipse and leads us to the Solar eclipse of the next week. This series of eclipses are benign, with the focus on Neptune, which may mean that we will get more clarity about any unclear situations or life directions after we move past February eclipses. These days, the focus is also on the planet of love and relationships Venus and joyful and generous Jupiter that connects to Uranus and may shower us with unexpected gifts.
The week is not very rich in astrological events. The most important development is with the Sun that will move from Aquarius into Pisces, signaling the beginning of the end of the astrological year and the promise of spring and new beginnings at the end of the tunnel.
The week will have a difficult pace, with many stop-and-go moments and some frustration about delays and lack of progress in our projects and our lives. However, it will end on a positive note with the happy energetic Sagittarius Moon on the weekend.
Moon in Virgo: Monday February 13th until late afternoon
Don’t plan much for Monday: this will be one of the unproductive days that I always warn you about. If you need to work, decide to focus on finishing the work that has been begun last week or to dedicate the day to planning for the future. This astrological climate will continue until late afternoon when the Moon moves into Libra, and we can finally charge ahead and use the rest of the day productively. In the morning and in the early afternoon, the mood will be very practical, and responsibilities and duties will prevail over anything else, despite our frustration of not being able to fulfill them today.
Moon in Libra: Monday February 13th evening – Wednesday February 15th
The late afternoon and the evening on Monday will bring attention to partnerships and relationships. Although a tension and disagreements are possible in committed partnerships, it will be easy for us to see another person’s side of an argument or disagreement, and we will be willing to compromise and to make peace at any price.
On Tuesday, action and motivation are the taste of the day, and, on top of that, we will have a clear mind and the ability to express our thoughts and feelings in an eloquent manner and with refined clarity and diplomacy. The evening of the Valentine’s day can be absolutely delightful, with the exquisite attention from our partners, a mutual desire to please each other, and unexpected joyful moments and optimistic insights into the future. Happy Valentine’s day!
Although Wednesday may bring a couple of surprises here and there, it should be a delightful, happy, and harmonious day. Late evening on Wednesday should be dedicated to relaxing and doing nothing or at least not much. We may feel a little tired and overwhelmed with the celestial changes and strong energies of eclipses and major planetary moves and may need an extra sleep or down time.
Moon in Scorpio: Thursday February 16th – Saturday February 18th early afternoon
Nourishing our goals for the future and committing to them with passions and loyalty will be on our mind on Thursday. We may also receive care, support, and affirmation of commitment from our partners, and this may make us emotional but also deeply thankful. If we are looking for such support and loyalty but not getting it, we may feel revengeful and deeply hurt. We are committed to clarifying what happened in the past and deciding what lessons we are taking with us into the future and what parts of our lives we commit to develop or leave in the past as irrelevant. Thursday night is a great movie night, when we will be feeling deep and enjoying the out-of-this-world experiences.
We may be strained for words on Friday, and it may be difficult to even define our feelings and thoughts, but our inner work on empowering ourselves will be intense, even if unnoticeable to the outside world. Finish everything important by the early afternoon: the rest of the day and the morning and the early afternoon of Saturday will be unproductive. We may suddenly feel that nothing is moving anywhere. It is time to relax and to be a little lazy outside, so that we can finish the important transformation and deep healing happening inside.
Moon in Sagittarius: Saturday 18th afternoon – Sunday February 19th
The transition from Scorpio Moon to Sagittarius Moon is palpable. If we felt like we were stuck in the muddy waters of Scorpio without any visible progress for the last couple of days, this mood will instantly change, and we will find ourselves happy, content, and full of energy to move the mountains. The Sun just has moved into Pisces, bringing the grain of new intuitive insights and compassion into our lives, and the fiery energy of the day will make us passionate and inspired about anything we decide to do on the Saturday afternoon and the evening of on Sunday.